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The Many Benefits of Ionic Foot Detox

By Marcia Renne, Registered Massage Practitioner

An ionic foot detox is a safe process used to assist the body in removing toxins through the large pores of the feet.  While detoxification through the feet is an ancient practice, this process utilizes a special machine which detoxifies the body at deeper levels than other methods.  The detoxification process has been scientifically evaluated through patients’ blood and urine samples following a session that detects heavy metals and other toxic elements.

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Products to Support Immunity and General Wellness

Some products we make may be of particular use during this viral pandemic, due to the content of anti-viral oils. Or, perhaps your hands feel the effects of so much hand washing! Our hand soap and balms may be the perfect solution for dry skin relief. Below are a few products that are particularly relevant at this time:

Pure Essential Oils 

Essential oils can be used in diffusion, inhaled directly, applied to the body directly in lotions, oils, and salves; or added to the bath or used in the shower. Essential oils, with some exceptions, should always be diluted with respect to their potency. These pure plant oils provide emotional support, pain relief, and have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, as well as many other properties that support physical and mental well-being.

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An Intro to Reiki

Life can be stressful. It is often jam packed with family, work and other necessary activities. Sometimes you need a break for self-care and restoring balance in your life. Reiki is a “time-out” just for you. It is a non-invasive, gentle energy recharge. All living beings have life force energy. Good health and well being occur when your energy is flowing openly and freely. Reiki practioners simply channel your own energy to assist in opening any blockages within the body’s chakras.

Reiki sessions at New Moon last 60 minutes. Clients will complete an intake form and discuss any concerns prior to the session. During the actual session, the client will rest comfortably on a massage table with shoes removed. Clients are fully clothed during the session, which can be hands on with light touch, or hands slightly above the client’s body. Peaceful and soothing music will accentuate the environment and the Reiki practioner will work silently until the end of the session.

Recipients of Reiki may feel warmth or tingling during the session. Some feel no particular sensation but a deep relaxation, stress reduction and well-being. It is not uncommon for some clients to fall asleep! If this happens the benefits of Reiki will still occur. Occasionally clients will experience an emotional release during or following a Reiki session. This is a normal response as your blocked chakras have no opened and are filled with energy. Your own energetic body is in control of the amount of energy during a Reiki session, therefore regular appointments are encouraged.

When the energy in your body becomes blocked or weakened the onset of physical and emotional imbalances may occur. Reiki is a spiritual healing art that works by channeling positive energy into your body. Reiki practioners place their hands on the affected areas of your body that may need a boost. Your body then takes in the energy where it is needed the most. All Reiki is set with the intention to send the energy for the greatest and highest good of the recipient.

Research studies have documented decreased blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormones in addition to increasing the immune system strength due to the effects of relaxation. Multiple scientific studies have long proven the short and long-term effects stress has on your body. Several cellular changes occur within your body during a stress response. Certain hormones are released to protect the body and aid in its survival. When the body is exposed to these hormones for extended periods, cellular damage, inflammation and the onset of disease may begin. Reiki is a method to increase the relaxation response and decrease stress levels. This assists in your own body’s ability to repair cellular damage and heal itself. Just as cells migrate to heal a broken bone or to clot bleeding, relaxation and reduction of stress helps cells respond to the relaxation and stress reduction. Reiki is an effective tool in the process of finding and maintaining balance within your mind, body and spirit.

Reiki sessions can have physical, emotional and mental health benefits. Relaxation, stress reduction, pain management assistance, and reducing anxiety and depression are just some of those benefits. Self-care is an important practice in maintaining the hectic work life balance. Anyone suffering from stress, burnout or tension should consider a Reiki session. It can be an adjunct in your goal of good health and wellness. Call New Moon today to schedule your next Reiki appointment.

Submitted by Carolyn Engleson
BSN, RN, HBN-BC; Reiki Master Practitioner

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Essential Oils to Ease Pain

Man Rubbing His Shoulder MuscleEssential oils extracted from plants have been utilized since antiquity for beauty, skin care, medicine, first aid, and to ease pain. Many consumers have utilized essential oils unwittingly in balms and liniments intended to relieve pain and soreness. Most pre-packaged balms intended for a mass market have a relatively low essential oil content, however, and therefore may only be marginally effective at relieving pain. This article will explore the use of three essential oils known for their pain relieving properties, and how one may utilize them in home care to best suit one’s individual needs. Continue reading Essential Oils to Ease Pain

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The Surprising Benefits of Seated Massage

seated massageYou may have seen them in airports, at the mall, a health fair perhaps. A person kneeling on an ergonomically correct chair of sorts, their face partially concealed by a face rest, and a therapist behind them in a lunge position kneading, digging in their thumbs, or lightly pounding on the client’s back. It may have looked a little strange, or even painful at times as you see the therapist use their elbow to get at a particularly troublesome spot. Chances are, the client in that strange looking chair is smiling and relaxed, and reaping some long lasting benefits from a brief massage session. Continue reading The Surprising Benefits of Seated Massage